The company valuation is one of the most delicate and important anchors for the entrepreneur: to know well the qualities, strengths, or, in general, the health of your company is essential to attract new investors or for any divestments. But this evaluation is a far from simple, just think of the number of cases in which the company valuation is required:
Sales to third parties in whole or the part of the entire share capital
Business Transfers
Contribution of capital in corporations
Transformation of the corporate type
shareholder withdraws
Considerable problems can arise in the evaluation phase, as can be the calculation of goodwill ( "Goodwill"), or assessing the external environment in which the entity operates. It is necessary therefore, before making a business assessment, develop adequate knowledge not only economic and structural company itself but also to the territory and the market where it operates.
From this need to meet multiple business needs and even from the need to obtain objective values ​​consistent with the type of activity carried out, the available data, the structure of the company being valued, the doctrine has developed a series of synthetically models listed below :
equity method;
income methods;
equity-income methods;
financial methods;
methods of market multiples.
The professionals of our firm will be able to put on the field of their experience not only in the processing and sworn phase of the evaluation document, but also to point to any Investment Funds we work with a targeted intervention.